President Temer mentioned ABACC’s anniversary in his speech at the UNO

“In his opening speech at the 71st General Assembly of the UNO, held on the 20th September 2016,  President Terner referred to the celebration of ABACC’s 25th anniversary, as follows:

This year, Brazil and Argentina celebrated the 25th anniversary of their Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials. This Agency is the only binational organization devoted to the application of nuclear safeguards. On the other hand, as stated by the distinguished Secretary General, Ban Kin-moon, it means inspiration in the efforts toward the elimination of nuclear weapons. Mr. president, the promotion of confidence between Brazilians and Argentines in the nuclear field that I have just exemplified, can be found in the origin of our integration experience, in the foundations of projects such as the MERCOSUR, in the Latin American integration and, in so far as Brazil is concerned, it is not only a governmental policy, but a constitutional principle and a permanent priority in our foreign policy”.

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