Participation of ABACC in the “International Workshop on Isotopic Analysis of Uranium and Plutonium by Nondestructive Assay Techniques for Nuclear Safeguards” (virtual)
From February 16-19, 2021, ABACC participated in the “International Workshop on Isotopic Analysis of Uranium and Plutonium by Non-destructive Techniques for Nuclear Safeguards” (virtual), organized by the IAEA. On the occasion, one of the ABACC Operations officers presented the technical paper entitled “Application of the NaIGEM Code for Uranium Enrichment Measurements by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry with Lanthanum Bromide Detectors”, in addition to participating as a panelist in the round table that discussed “Application of Medium Resolution Gamma Spectrometers (MRGS) for Isotopic Analysis of Uranium and Plutonium – Present and Future”.