
Meeting between ABACC and the Director General of the IAEA – virtual – 2020


ABACC visits brazilian authorities – Brasília – 2023

Visits to ABACC

ABACC welcomes students from the Rio Branco Institute of the MRE

Courses and Training

ABACC-IAEA Joint Accounting Auditing Course for Brazilian ABACC Inspectors – Rio de Janeiro – 2023


ABACC in the International Safeguards Symposium – Vienna – 2022


66th IAEA General Conference – Vienna – 2022

Visits to ABACC

Visit of the IAEA Director General to the ABACC Office in Argentina

Visits to ABACC

ABACC welcomes students from the Rio Branco Institute of the MRE – Rio de Janeiro – 2022


UNODA – United Nations Disarmament Fellowship Programme – Buenos Aires – 2022

Visits to ABACC

Visit to ABACC of the Executive Secretary of the CTBTO


ABACC at the 10th Review Conference of the NPT