Event in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of ABACC
A ceremony was held in Rio de Janeiro, on the 29th August 2016, celebrating the 25th Anniversary of ABACC – Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials.
The ceremony was attended by high authorities such as the Argentine Ambassador in Brazil, Carlos Magariños; the Argentine Undersecretary of Nuclear Energy, Lic. Julián Gadano; the Director of the Department of International Agencies of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Maria Luisa Escorel de Moraes; the Director of the Safety and Safeguards Department of the Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission, Dr. Paulo Lavalle Heilbron —acting in lieu of Mr. Gilberto Kassab, Minister of Science, Tecnology, Innovation and Communications—, the Secretary of ABACC, Eng. Sergio Solmesky, and the Deputy-Secretary, Dr. Marco Antonio Saraiva Marzo.