ABACC at the 60th INMM Annual Meeting
The Technical Support and Operations officers attended the 60th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM), held in Palm Desert, CA – July 18-22.
A summary of the verification activities of ABACC carried out in 2018 as well as the current challenges were presented during the annual meeting of INMM’s International Safeguards Division. In addition, during the meeting of containment and surveillance experts’ group ABACC contributed to the prioritization of topics for future discussions focusing on equipment and technologies currently in use.
The officers of ABACC presented two papers were presented: “Experience in Safeguards Implementation at the Restart of a Refurbished CANDU Reactor in Argentina” and “Proficiency Testing Program to Support Nuclear Material Measurements and Accountancy in Brazilian and Argentinean Laboratories at ABACC”.
At the time, ABACC was invited by IAEA to participate in the panel “International Target Values (ITV) 2020: The Role of Stakeholders”, on the forthcoming review of typical measurement uncertainty levels for safeguards methods.