ABACC participated in the Regional Workshop on National Safeguards Inspections, organized by the Argentine Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the United States Department of Energy

ABACC participated in the Regional Workshop on National Safeguards Inspections held in Buenos Aires between October 21 and 25, 2024. On the occasion, Operations and Planning officers presented the Common System of Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (SCCC) and the relevant aspects of its implementation by ABACC in Argentina and Brazil.

The objective of the Regional Workshop was to generate specialized knowledge and exchange good practices among the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean region responsible for the safeguards of nuclear facilities. Representatives from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, Mexico and Uruguay participated in the workshop. Theoretical and practical presentations were made on nuclear material accounting, accounting records and reports keeping, and safeguards inspection, with an emphasis on the role of national authorities and inspectorates for the effective application of regional and international safeguards. ABACC supported demonstrations of technologies used by inspectors to verify non-destructive testing of nuclear materials during inspections. The organizers thanked ABACC for its contribution, highlighting that its participation contributed to the achievement of the objectives and success of the event.

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